
All meals are prepared within the nursery using fresh ingredients. The menu is designed to offer a healthy nutritious diet with a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fat, fibre, dairy products, vitamins and minerals.

Age groups and all dietary needs will be taken into account. If your child has any special requirements please inform the management as alternatives will be made available. The children are offered water  throughout the day. 

8.30am: Breakfast, 10.30am: Snack & drink, 11.45am: Lunch, 2.30pm: Snack & drink, 4.00pm: Tea

Baby Milk

Each day all formula and breast milk must be brought to nursery in clearly labelled bottles. For formula bottles all powder and water must be measured at home according to the packet instructions.

Please provide enough bottles for your baby’s day at nursery, with maybe an extra one just in case. The babies are given cooled boiled water to drink, please advise the staff of any preferences. The nursery will provide cow’s milk.